Thursday, July 10, 2008

Move to Windows Vista with Confidence

If you' own a small business, you know that you have to adapt to our ever-changing world. This concept also applies to the technology that you are using, particularly the operating system on your PC.

If you're still using Windows XP for your business, you're certainly losing some key features that you can benefit from switching to Windows Vista. One of which is the increased security that makes your machine less vulnerable from being infected by spyware or malware.

Of course, switching to the newer Windows Vista SP1 doesn't come without any risks. You may encounter problems you never did with your old OS. Maybe you'll find yourself having difficulty finding a particular feature. Or maybe your software would start to act up, not working correctly, getting sluggish maybe. Don't you just hate it if that started happening when a deadline is drawing near.

But don't get fazed using that new PC that came with Vista. If you purchased that PC after July 1, you are entitled to the Windows Vista Small Business Assurance that can provide you free support, compatibility assistance and one-on-one coaching to help you get the most out of your purchase.

The Windows Vista Small Business Assurance is completely free but will only be available until October 31, 2008 so don't miss out on that chance. Switching to Windows Vista should not be a risk to your business.

Sponsored by Windows Vista

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