Monday, October 13, 2008

Cyber Clean Your Dirty Keyboard

We all know the keyboards can get really dirty. But how do you exactly clean it? Do you simply turn it upside down and shake it till all those dirt fall off? Do you manually remove the keys and clean the insides with buds?

I used to have can of compressed air with a long nozzle to blast the insides of my keyboard with it. It's pretty cool but it won't get all the dirt out, just displace them into different nooks inside the keyboard.


I would really like to try Cyber Clean's goop to clean my keyboard. It's like a clay dough that you press and rub over your keyboard. Because of its elasticity, it will sink right into the cavities absorbing dirt while killing germs on the surface. It will bind particles of dirt so it won't fall back to your keyboard.

You can also use this stuff on other gadgets such as cameras and phones. Just make sure to keep it out of children's reach since it looks fun to play with.


Unknown said...

sounds very cool! I must try this!

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

I could definitely use something like that for my laptop :P

Purpled Sky said...

I want one! I want one!

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