Friday, October 17, 2008

Dropping 300 EC a day shouldn't be a chore

Ever since I joined Entrecard, I was always on the lookout on how to efficiently achieve the 300 EC drop max limit a day.


I checked out the U Drop I Follow program of Lee Doyle but I don't like the requirement of having to register to BlogCatalog.

I also tried and actually signed up for RingSurf's Surf and Drop. The idea was good since you don't have to open multiple browser tabs. You just click next from the top frame to move to the next blog. However, I found out that some of the blogs there are outdated or don't have the Entrecard widget.

There's also the Entrecard Credit Generator from The Germz boasting of 300 credits in 5 minutes. If you want to just earn credits, this is the easiest way but it doesn't guarantee a high percentage of return drops.

I realized that the only way to get the 300 drops with the likeliest chance of getting a return drop is to create your own drop list based on the active droppers and your favorite blogs. It would also help if the site loads fast without waiting for tons of widgets and videos and the Entrecard is located above the fold for easy dropping.

Since it's really hard to create such kind of a drop list (unless you have 300 favorite blogs), I looked for a list that contains active droppers as a starting point. Luckily, I found Turnip of Power | Social Networking EC Drop list. Here's what I liked about it:

  • It's updated regularly so you won't be stuck with old, outdated blogs
  • It has a great number of interesting and active blogs
  • Most of the blogs listed loads fast and the EC widget is easy to locate

His list does not contain 300 links but only around 245 I think. This is good actually since you can have the room for your own friends' blogs and you also have some drop space for the top droppers on your blog that are not included in the list.

Not only can you get your 300 credits in a timely manner, but you're also dropping to the right people who will most likely return the favor. The interesting posts you find along the way are just bonus so make sure you leave a comment every now and then.


Anonymous said...

Thanks! I am going to check the turnip out!

Anonymous said...

I have a list of my own and use turnip's list too. I don't always make it all the way up to three hundred but btwn the two lists I have more blogs than I need and I still click on ads and visit and drop on friends too.

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

That's really interesting, thanks for telling us about it!

Anonymous said...

Even with a list, it'd be a chore for me unless people start clicking on the ads.

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

Good advice!

Calv said...

aside from a fast internet, it's also important to have more memory on your machine so you could open at least 10 links at the same time. you can scan through each site while the others are still loading.

Anonymous said...

I've dropped 300 cards once. Never again. I normally stop at 75-100 a day. I'd rather comment on blogs than just drop. I notice I have a better traffic rate and drop return that way. Many times I get about 150 drops when I drop just 100.

Anonymous said...

It took me more than two months to realize that dropping EC is a must if you want to have better traffic. I used to drop around 5 or 6 EC a day, I did not really care, but when I read Gem's post about it I started to squeeze some time everyday to drop cards. Now I find my day incomplete if I could not make it to 300 drops. I have noticed that when you drop to two or three groups of 300 blogs you get more traffic. What I mean is that say for example on monday I drop to a group of 300 blogs, on tuesday I'd drop to another 300 blogs which is a different group, then on wednesday it would be another group of 300 blogs. By thursday I'll drop again to the group I have dropped to in monday. This will become a cycle and you will have around 900 blogs you frequently drop EC to. These 900 blogs will notice you after two weeks and they would begin to return the drops. I think we get more traffic with this.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I didn't think of this myself. I've done the random drops, always off my inbox and then some others but I've just finally started bookmarking my drops. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for recommending my list. I feel it's a service for new people who want to know who really returns drops and who doesn't. Never believe somebody displaying a banner below their card claiming to drop actually does. Obviously not everyone who drops on my site will return the favor to other people, but it's still a great starting point. Add to the list, remove names from the list, whatever works for you.

Calv said...

turnip, i noticed that. i'll try to create my own drop list one of these days.

MiLeT said...

but you are forgetting something. when you try to do the drop and run way of EC dropping you are contributing to the blog's bounce rate which is not a good thing for the blog. this has been a disadvantage for Entrecarders, that's why many opted not to used it anymore.

nway, you might want to join my contest.


Calv said...

yeah... i think you would get penalized by google for that. frankly, im not expecting my PR to go up beyond 0 so it doesn't matter to me.

i'll join your contest soon! thanks for the heads up!

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