Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Adding a Favicon to your Blogger site

Finally I was able to add a favicon here at Pinoy Web Surfer. It's not too hard to create and add it to your Blogger site. Here are 3 quick:

p4 1. Create your icon. You can head to favicon.cc where you can create your icon online (no need to register). You can preview it from there so you'd know how it would look like in a browser. Consequently, you can also upload your own created image. When you're done, download it and don't change the filename (favicon.ico).


2. Upload your icon. I use PicPanda.com to host my icon since Google's Picasa Web Album won't accept it. Upload your file and grab the link. It's in the Hotlink for Websites after the img src tag.


3. Add the code to your template. Sign in to your blogger account and choose Edit HTML. Just before the </head> tag, place this code:

<link href='http://www.picpanda.com/images/eqpw1u8npq5au6ith18l.ico' rel='icon' type='image/x-icon'/>

Of course replace the href with the link to your own favicon.

There you have it, your own favicon for your site.


Anonymous said...

What is it for? What's a favicon for?

Calv said...

sorry for not putting any intro about it. hehehe. favicons is an icon for your site. you can see this in Firefox browsers and IE7. for IE6, when you bookmark a site this will be the icon you would see on the bookmark.

for blogspot sites, that default icon is the orange box with the letter B in it. for typepad, it's the speech bubble in green background.

GolfTipEditor said...

Thanks for the tip, really easy for me to do. Needed to make the change from iconj.com after they disappeared!

Check out my little golfer .ico at http://www.golftipreviews.com

Thanks, GolfTipEditor

Calv said...

Just a suggestion:
At first glance it's hard to distinguish it's a golfer until I saw your avatar in MyBlogLog (on the right). Maybe you can crop it so it will only show the upper half of the body plus the golf club?

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